Wednesday, May 9, 2012




  • While most members of the Apiaceae are herbaceous, a few are woody, such as this Tree Carrot, Monizia edulis, which is endemic to the Island of Madeira. It is fairly common for families that are predominantly herbaceous to have woody representatives on oceanic islands.


Mountain lion 

  • From the snowy fields of the Yukon to the forested coastal mountains of Tierra del Fuego and from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the Atlantic. It occupied more territory and more environmental niches than any other land mammal  in the Western Hemisphere.
  • In the English language the mountain lion has more than 40 names.

Kingdom -- Animalia -- All animals
Phylum -- Chordata -- Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish
Class -- Mammalia -- Vertebrate, milk-producing animals with hair
Order -- Carnivora -- Cats, canines, bears,
badgers,weasels, skunks and others
Family -- Felidae -- Mountain lions, jaguarundis, 
Genus -- Puma -- Mountain lion, jaguarundis
Species -- Puma concolor -- Mountain Lion
Canadian lynx, jaguars, tigers, lions, margays, ocelots, leopards, cheetahs and domestic cats